Lost in Thought
The sea is rising
The land is shattering
And the sight is fading
Without you being seen
And now alone
Looking for a path
Lost without direction
Trying to escape this snare
Just to see a dim light
But the eyes went blind
How can I strive
When I have no light
Come back
I need you
Without an eye
I am guideless
And so I stopped
Without any will
And about continue
Is just a lost thought
The land is shattering
And the sight is fading
Without you being seen
And now alone
Looking for a path
Lost without direction
Trying to escape this snare
Just to see a dim light
But the eyes went blind
How can I strive
When I have no light
Come back
I need you
Without an eye
I am guideless
And so I stopped
Without any will
And about continue
Is just a lost thought
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