Well, it’s difficult to say exactly how to stop bullying. Nowadays, bullying has become a bad, and start to become a dangerous habit in children’s life, kids and teenagers alike. Bullying also has become a major issue in many countries.
            Before I talk about stop bullying, it’s necessary to know what is bullying itself. Bullying is the use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate or aggressively dominate others (wikipedia). Bullying usually happens in one to one person, where a Bully (a person who bullies other) bullying another person. And sometimes, it happens in groups against another group with weaker power or a single person. Bullying is considered dangerous due to it’s nature that can cause fear and trauma to it’s victims.
            Bully usually targets people who has weaker power, and the victims tend to be intimidated in fear so they won’t report the bullying action to the authorities. Victims of bully usually ones who can’t fight back because of their small size, their weight or they have illness which makes them difficult to fight back.
A Bully would keep targeting the same victim as long the victim won’t fight back or they can’t fight against the Bully because of fear. Bully also tend to utilize brute force, where usually it involves physical injuries, this is more likely to occur to victims who can’t defeat the Bully yet resist and fight back. A Bully can bully more than one victim and a victim can be bullied by more than one Bully.
            Bullying doesn’t just go in real life, where both the Bully and the victim meet each other. It also occurs in Cyber life, where usually it happens in social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. This kind of bullying also harder to discover unless reported by victim directly, and the Bully tend to be difficult to identify. This kind of bully is also known as Cyberbullying.
            Bullying commonly occurs at School nowadays. This is happening because the Bullies roam free, if the victims don’t report the bullying. And since many victims won’t take action of reporting, they’re pretty much safe to bully.
            Bullying in many countries are already under surveillance of laws, where if a bullying action is found and/or reported to the authorities, they can be punished according to law in the said country. Some countries don’t have direct law against bullying, but they still do their best to ensure that Bullying doesn’t happen.
            Now, let’s discuss of how to Stop Bullying. Bullying has been a virus that cause massive issue to future generation, thus it must be stopped. Bullying must be eradicated from all parts of life, from home, school, work place and so on.
            In order to stop bullying at home, like parents bullying their children or the older brother/sister bullying the younger brother/sister, it’s necessary that parents and children are given knowledge of what bullying is, it’s bad results and told to not to do any of the bullying action. A family needs to keep a good environment at home so there won’t be any bullying issue.
            Next, stop bullying at schools, which happens a lot. This would be harder since there are more people to handle and give socialization about bullying, thus counselors take important part of taking care of bullying, with cooperation from the headmaster, school staffs, teachers, and of course, the students themselves. A student who has been bullied should report to the school counselor to ask for guidance and help to deal with the Bully. Usually, once the school counselor has stepped in, students who Bully will stop bullying because they know that their actions will get into the school’s data, get punishments and score, where after certain amount can get them kicked out and can cause bad grades for themselves.
            Students who get bullied must not be afraid of the Bully. They must know that Bully has stole their rights, and they deserve to reclaim their rights back. They must not be afraid of school counselors as well, because counselors are there to help them against Bullying. School counselors can only take actions if they know what’s happening, that’s why students who have been bullied must report to the counselors so the Bullies would get the punishment they deserve for bullying. They must also remember that if they don’t speak for themselves and do the right to defend themselves from Bullies, they might lose their future as well.
            If they are still to afraid to go school counselor or the Bully threatents them that makes them don’t want to tell about it at school, at least they must tell their family at home. Parents won’t tolerate if their children are being bullied and will report the issue to the school counselor which usually brings the Bully into their punishment.
            The key for victims of bullying is that they must speak up for themselves. If they don’t, they will keep getting bullied by the Bully.
            Students who sees bullying actions must also take action, if the victim don’t report, they should be the one who at least report the bullying case to the counselor and protect the victim. It’s at least what one can do to stop bullying, because if not, then the bullying action will go unnoticed.
            It’s also mandatory to socialize that bullying is a bad action and habit, and everyone must know of what it did to the others, and what might happen to ones who do it in return. The socialization must be intensive and throughout, not just partially. Socialization can be done in many forms, from posting posters to direct socialization in public places about the danger of bullying.
            Socialization must start at earliest stage of school. The socialization has a wide array of information about Bullying that must be told to everyone. This information ranges from What is bullying? Where, when, why and how bullying can occur? What to do when one see Bullying? What to do if you’re being bullied and so on. This will make everyone care for each other and stand up against bullying to Stop Bullying! Everyone must help victims of bullying to speak for themselves, to reclaim what they have lost to the Bully.
            That’s all I could say about Stop Bullying. Remember, don’t let a Bully tries to Bully you without a fight. Tell everyone, especially the authorities that can handle the bullying, such as parents, school counselors and so on.

Muhammad Daffa Abiyyu Rahman



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